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1. Collective Self-consumption

To be considered collective self-consumption, the energy generated by the photovoltaic plant must be supplied to at least two electricity consumption meters. For example, the photovoltaic installation can supply the meters of common areas and some or all of the neighbors in a Property Owners Community. You can participate in a collective self-consumption scheme with your neighbors in a range of up to 2 kilometers.

This is defined through an energy distribution agreement that must be signed by all participants. In this agreement, the photovoltaic generation meter numbers are recorded, as well as a list of all participants in collective self-consumption (name and ID, NIE or CIF), their CUPS numbers and their corresponding distribution coefficient. The CUPS number identifies the electricity consumption meter and can be found on any electricity bill. The distribution coefficient (as %) indicates which percentage of energy generation is supplied to that CUPS, i.e. how much of the solar panel production is assigned to that participant’s consumption. This distribution agreement can be modified in the future to change participants or their distribution coefficients.

Solectivo will take care of the entire process. We will offer you a tailored photovoltaic technical offer which will best suit your specific conditions and interests, without any commitment. If you sign our energy advisor contract, we will apply for the best available grants on your behalf.

In the case of community installations for Property Owners Communities, the photovoltaic installation must be approved in a meeting – with a minimum of 1/3 or 3/5 of the votes (depending on the chosen financing modality which determines, in turn, the ownership of the installation for at least the first 5 years). Voting can also be easily delegated. Then, each owner will have to decide whether they want green energy for their own home and, if so, how many (virtual) panels they want. After that, they will inform their Community administrator, who will collect the list of participating CUPS and the respective desired number of panels or bills and hand it over to us to take care of the administrative process. If a grant is requested on behalf of the Community, we will need signed documents from the Community and each owner.

In all other cases, we will need to be provided with a list of participants in collective self-consumption, as well as the desired number of (virtual) panels or corresponding bills.

As an alternative to collective self-consumption, individual self-consumption is when the generated photovoltaic energy is supplied to a single consumption meter. Typically, this is the case of a prosumer who installs panels on their own property to supply their own consumption.

Typically, there are two options:

1. Joint installation as a Community of Property Owners. Some panels may be allocated for common areas consumption and the remainder for the consumption of the neighbors’ homes. Internally agreed in a meeting, the installation financing, the panel assignment, and how it will be reflected in the dues are discussed.

2. Private installations (private panels for each neighbor), but in this case, they cannot opt for collective self-consumption because each one would consume individually from their private plant.

In any case, the installation cost depends on the size of the plant and specific conditions, and it will be communicated in our technical studies.

No. In our customized technical offer, we will indicate the power (virtual panels) that we recommend assigning for common areas consumption and the available power for neighbors’ consumption. The Community Board should internally agree on how to finance the installation, how to assign the panels, and how it reflects on the Community fees. Typically, for financing panels for common areas consumption, all neighbors would participate, while in the case of panels for housing consumption, it would be decided which neighbors want to participate, and only those would contribute to the financing.

No. We use the concept of a “virtual panel” to simplify the concept. A virtual panel corresponds to 500Wp of peak power from the photovoltaic installation. When we say, for example, that there will be 10 panels for collective self-consumption, it does not mean that the installation consists physically of 10 different panels, but that there is a peak power of 5000Wp to be distributed among the participants.


Switching to locally produced green energy through a photovoltaic system can help you save on your electricity bill and economically reduce your carbon footprint. The available roof surface will be used to install photovoltaic panels, and you (and your community) can benefit from self-consumption. The energy that you consume (when your consumption matches the generation) will be directly deducted from the electricity bill. Additionally, you can receive compensation for generated energy that you do not consume. All of these can translate into savings on your bill. Alternatively, you can sell excess energy generated in the electricity market.

Maintaining photovoltaic panels is simple and low cost, and they have a lifespan of around 20-25 years, so you can benefit from these bill savings for a long period of time. Other benefits include greater independence from the grid, improved energy efficiency, appreciation of buildings and properties, and contribution to national energy transition goals and Tenerife’s energy transition.

On the one hand, you will save directly on the self-consumed energy, and on the other, you will get an extra saving for the energy generated that you don’t consume.

The energy you consume yourself (when your consumption coincides with the generation) will be directly discounted from your electricity bill. This means that if you were to consume all the energy you generate, you would not pay anything for energy consumption on the bill (the bill includes other charges such as tolls, fees, power and taxes).

Additionally, you may receive compensation for the energy generated but not consumed. All of this will translate into additional savings on your bill. These savings can never be higher than the costs for consumed energy.


We analyze the specific features of your roof and take into account your interests to offer a personalized technical proposal without commitment.

We collaborate with different installation companies and take care of the whole process, including contracts, licenses, certificates, and documentation. Solectivo ensures a price guarantee in the final offer so that there are no surprises for the client.

A typical 500Wp photovoltaic panel takes up approximately 2.5 m2 and weighs around 25 kg. We use solar panels from different manufacturers depending on each client’s specific requirements.

We will study the conditions and measurements of your roof to offer you a customized photovoltaic technical proposal. For this, we will take into account the available area, orientation, obstacles, and shadows of the roof. We will indicate the maximum potential available according to the roof area, but we will adapt the proposal to your consumption and the requirements of the subsidies available at each moment. You can indicate your consumption patterns and interested participants in collective self-consumption with greater precision. You can also delimit what part of your roof is available. We will adjust the proposal to your specifications.

In the case of installations for Homeowners’ Associations, in this personalized proposal, we will indicate a proposal to assign virtual panels to common areas’ consumption and that of homes. It must be internally agreed within the community among neighbors who participate and how many panels they wish to have, to have the total size of the installation in the final proposal.

Photovoltaic panels are installed on the designated roof with the customer’s authorization. Depending on the roof conditions, different means such as cranes, ladders, or elevated platforms are used to access and transport materials. The procedure is specified in the corresponding installation Work Plan.

In the case of Community of Owners, the permission of the community will be required, and in some specific cases, the specific permission of one of the owners will also be necessary to coordinate and carry out the work.

The duration of the work depends on the size of the installation, its characteristics, and the accessibility of the roof.

In the case of collective self-consumption installations, it is necessary to install generation meters to be able to start the plant. The company responsible for this work is the distribution company (e-distribution). Therefore, we depend on its deadlines to complete the installation and start using it.

“It depends on each specific case.
For individual clients and companies, it could be recommended depending on specific conditions, desired installation, and consumption patterns.

For Communities of Owners and collective self-consumption, it is generally not recommended because we adjust the plant size to the consumption, so we recommend compensating for excess or selling it and not installing batteries. Collective self-consumption seeks to share the installation among many consumers so that the contracted amount for each consumer is adjusted optimally without a battery. In addition, we do not recommend installing batteries for collective self-consumption using the nearby network because it is not technically resolved and could result in misuse by some consumers over others.”

Typically, in the case of a roof in good condition, no additional work is necessary. However, if any abnormalities are detected, we will inform the customer before they make the payment. To do this, a technical inspection is carried out before the customer signs the final offer.

In the installation, we apply the appropriate procedures and work with materials that seal the joints of the roof and structure to prevent leaks.

The cost of the photovoltaic Plant is calculated based on the roof and characteristics of the building, and in accordance with the prices of the main devices, labor, construction equipment, and office work. The subsidy amount is calculated in accordance with the relevant subsidy guidelines.

The savings mentioned in our technical reports and studies are based on the savings obtained from the electricity bill reduction through self-consumption of energy produced by solar panels. This includes compensation for excess energy through the supplier assumed at 10 cents/kWh. Additionally, the degradation of the photovoltaic plant is taken into account; it’s estimated to lose 0.3% efficiency annually. Also, operation and maintenance costs are included, estimated at 2% per year of the Plant cost (CAPEX).

For savings over 25 years, all the above parameters are considered, and installation costs are deducted.


In the case of collective self-consumption, the panels that make up the photovoltaic installation will be connected to each other and to one or more inverters. These inverters will be connected to the meter centralization, and in this way the plant will be connected to the grid. It will not be necessary to install cables inside the homes.

We will install external tubing to safeguard both the wires and individuals, and to seamlessly and tidily incorporate the new equipment with the rest of the facility in the downhill cable sections stretching from the roof down to the inverter. Moreover, the junction between the centralization of the meter and the inverter will be established using raceways.


It all depends on how the demand for energy (electricity consumption) aligns with the generation from the photovoltaic installation. Specifically, it depends on the hourly and daily consumption profile of each consumer, their corresponding energy distribution coefficient (in the case of collective self-consumption), and the hourly and daily energy production of the photovoltaic plant.

During the times that the plant is generating power, if the consumer demands energy consumption, the self-consumption from the photovoltaic plant will be direct. If the plant’s generation exceeds the demand for energy, the excess energy can be compensated or sold back to the grid. When the demand for energy is greater than the plant’s generation, the difference will need to be consumed from the grid.

In the case of collective self-consumption, the self-consumption from the photovoltaic plant will be direct when the plant is generating power and the consumer demands energy, as long as the consumer is entitled to consume part of that energy, meaning their energy distribution coefficient is greater than 0. This clarification is important, as it is possible to define a variable hourly distribution, meaning that the coefficients can differ for each hour.

“The energy demand will be minimal (refrigerator if kept in operation, for example). Typically, the owner will be compensated for the surplus energy generated by the photovoltaic system that wasn’t consumed, according to their sharing agreement. Usually, this compensation translates into a small reduction in the electricity bill.

However, if the owner knows in advance that there will be periods where the house will be unoccupied regularly, they can easily request Solectivo to share the electricity produced by their solar panels with other neighbors who are on the waiting list. This way, they will receive a higher incentive for their solar panels than through a simplified compensation.”

At Solectivo, with the collaboration of local installers, we take care of obtaining and formalizing all necessary documentation (contracts, licenses, certificates, authorizations, registrations). Once everything has been processed correctly, the distribution company (e-distribution) will start the installation.

To receive compensation for surpluses, you must send the distribution and/or commercialization company the distribution agreement and an excess compensation contract. Solectivo will assist you in the hiring process with the commercialization company. After this process, the commercialization company will begin to reflect this simplified compensation on their invoices.


Typically, our products come with a 12-year warranty for photovoltaic panels and a 5-year warranty for inverters. The installation warranty is for 3 years. Manufacturers also specify additional warranties for output power, typically 90% at 10 years, 80% at 25 years, and a total of 12 years without product failure. Warranty terms and conditions depend on the manufacturer in each case.

If preventative maintenance services are hired at 1€ per panel per month, bi-annual preventative maintenance will be carried out. Two technical inspections will be carried out each year, the panels will be cleaned, and corresponding reports will be provided. The plant’s generation will be monitored, and weekly notifications will be sent on its performance.

Typically, normal air dirt (such as haze) causes losses of approximately 3%. In extreme cases (such as caused by bird droppings on the panels), losses can reach 20-30%.

Yes, it is recommended. We offer a maintenance service, which includes a preventive visit from a technician twice a year, in which they will be cleaned if necessary. The panels are mainly cleaned with distilled water which is eventually evaporated or drained.

Additionally, we will monitor the installation and notify about production losses in order to take corrective measures.


When carrying out any self-consumption installation, the current IGIC rates are applied. Local taxes related to construction (building permits and ICIO) are also applied. If the self-consumption system has NO excess energy or has excess energy that is eligible for compensation, energy sales are not made, so taxes related to economic activities do not apply.

The energy produced by self-consumption installation is self-consumed and not declared, as there is no sale to the grid.

In the case of excess energy, the most common option is to opt for simplified compensation. Under this scheme (known as collective self-consumption with excess energy received), an agreement is made with the electricity supplier to receive compensation for unused energy from the panels that has not been self-consumed, resulting in small additional savings on the bill. This is not considered electricity sale to the grid, so it does not need to be declared.

Alternatively, excess energy can be sold on the electricity market. In this case, it is necessary to register with the Administrative Registry of Electricity Production Facilities (RAIPRE). This requires the producer (prosumer) to comply with tax obligations, such as the IGIC tax, energy value tax (IVPEE), and declaration of information on energy produced, both quarterly and annually.

Yes, there are general and regional deductions:

Regional: 12% of the cost of installing photovoltaic solar panels for self-consumption in a primary residence can be deducted. This deduction cannot exceed 10% of the regional income tax and the maximum annual base for this deduction is 7,000 euros per taxpayer. Energy efficiency certificates issued before and after panel installation are required.

General: Deductions are available for installing photovoltaic panels that reduce non-renewable energy consumption by 30% or achieve an A or B rating on the energy efficiency certificate of the building.
– For private homes, up to 40% of the cost of the installation can be deducted, up to a maximum annual limit of 7,500 euros. Energy efficiency certificates must be issued before and after panel installation and before January 1, 2024.
– For primarily residential buildings, up to 60% of the cost of the installation can be deducted, up to a maximum annual limit of 5,000 euros. Energy efficiency certificates must be issued before and after panel installation and before January 1, 2025.

In the case of installations for Property Owners Associations (Comunidades de Propietarios), the association will inform each owner participating in the panel payment of their corresponding share. The deduction will then be applied to each owner based on their share.

In addition, the Property Tax (IBI) charged for your home may be reduced for having solar panels on your roof. Currently, this discount is available in municipalities like Granadilla de Abona, with a 25% reduction for residential properties over 5 years.

The grant will be deposited into the Community’s account, and it must be decided internally how it will be distributed among the owners who participate in the payment of the panels. The Community of Property Owners must then notify each participating owner in writing of the amount of the grant that corresponds to each one.

These grants are considered capital gains and must be taxed in the income tax return of each owner who has received part of the grant, in the tax period in which the collection is made.
Notice: The answer to these questions is considered purely indicative information and lacks legal validity.